Vegan Adobo Recipe: A Delicious Twist on a Filipino Classic

Adobo is an exemplary Filipino dish that is cherished by quite a few people. Customarily made with meat, this recipe puts a veggie lover's turn on the exemplary by involving tofu as a protein source. This veggie lover adobo recipe is loaded with witflavouror and is not difficult to make, making it an ideal workday dinner.

1 block of firm tofu
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup water
3 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon dark peppercorns
3 narrows leaves
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 onion, cleaved
1 teaspoon earthy coloured earthy-coloured sugar
2 green onions, cleaved (discretionary)
1 chilli pepper, cut (discretionary)


Channel the tofu and cut it into little 3D shapes. Put away.

In an enormous bowl, combine as one the soy sauce, vinegar, water, garlic, dark peppercorns, and narrow leaves.

Add the tofu to the bowl and mix to cover it with the marinade. Allow the tofu to marinate for somewhere around 30 minutes.

In a huge container or wok, heat the vegetable oil over medium-high intensity.

Add the onion and sauté until it becomes clear.

Add the marinated tofu to the skillet and pan-fried food for a couple of moments until it is gently cooked.

Empty the marinade into the dish and add the earthy-coloured sugar. Heat the blend to the point of boiling.

Bring down the intensity to medium-low and let the blend stew for around 15 minutes or until the tofu is cooked through and the sauce has thickened.

Serve hot with steamed rice and topping with green onions and cut stew red peppers, bean stew red.

Notes: For a spicier adobo, add more bean stew sauce peppers to the stew sauce.
This recipe can likewise be made with different kinds of protein, for example, seitan or tempeh.
Extras can be put away in the cooler for as long as 3 days.


This vegetarian adobo recipe is a delightful turn on an exemplary Filipino dish. It is not difficult to make and is loaded with flavour, making it an ideal workday feast. The tofu adds an incredible surface and protein source, and the sauce is tart and flavorful. Serve it with steamed rice for a total dinner.
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