By cooking food in these vessels, food becomes nectar, as mentioned in Ayurveda

Cooking is a vital part of our daily routine, and choosing the right vessel to cook our food is equally important. According to Ayurveda, cooking food in certain vessels can turn it into nectar. In this article, we will discuss the vessels mentioned in Ayurveda and their benefits.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical science that originated more than 5000 years ago. It is based on the belief that a balance between the mind, body, and soul is crucial for good health. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of food in maintaining this balance. According to Ayurveda, food cooked in certain vessels can enhance its nutritional value and provide numerous health benefits.

One of the most important vessels mentioned in Ayurveda is the clay pot. Clay pots are made of natural clay and are porous in nature. When food is cooked in a clay pot, the clay absorbs the excess moisture and oil from the food, making it healthier. Clay pots are also known to retain the natural flavours and nutrients of the food, making it more nutritious and delicious.

Another popular vessel mentioned in Ayurveda is the cast iron skillet. Cast iron skillets are made of iron and are known for their ability to distribute heat evenly. When food is cooked in a cast iron skillet, it absorbs a small amount of iron, which is beneficial for the body. Iron is an essential mineral that helps in the production of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the cells in our body. Cooking in a cast iron skillet also helps in reducing the amount of oil required for cooking, making it a healthier option.

Stainless steel vessels are also mentioned in Ayurveda as a good option for cooking. Stainless steel vessels are non-reactive, which means that they do not react with the food. This is important because certain metals can react with food and leach into it, causing health problems. Stainless steel vessels are also easy to clean and maintain.

Copper vessels are another popular option mentioned in Ayurveda. Copper vessels are known for their ability to kill bacteria and purify water. When food is cooked in a copper vessel, it absorbs a small amount of copper, which is beneficial for the body. Copper is an essential mineral that helps in the production of red blood cells and improves the immune system. However, it is important to note that excessive consumption of copper can be harmful to the body.

Another important vessel mentioned in Ayurveda is the earthen pot. Earthen pots are made of clay and are known for their ability to cool water and keep it fresh. When food is cooked in an earthen pot, it absorbs the natural minerals present in the clay, making it more nutritious. Earthen pots are also known to enhance the flavour of the food and retain its natural aroma.

In conclusion, choosing the right vessel to cook our food is crucial for good health. Ayurveda recommends cooking food in clay pots, cast iron skillets, stainless steel vessels, copper vessels, and earthen pots. Each of these vessels has its unique benefits and can enhance the nutritional value of the food. By cooking food in these vessels, we can turn our food into nectar and improve our overall health and well-being.

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